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The Importance of Hiring a DWI Attorney

Mar 15, 2024

Facing a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge can change your life forever, especially in Texas. The consequences for driving under the influence are extremely steep and can have lasting consequences on your personal and professional life. If you have found yourself in this situation, it’s crucial to seek out an experienced DWI attorney to help guide you through the process. These legal professionals specialize in defending individuals who have been charged with DWI offenses. Your attorney can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout your case as they work to minimize the charges against you. Let’s explore the importance of hiring a DWI attorney and how they can help protect your rights and future.

Experience and Knowledge of DWI Laws

DWI laws can be difficult to understand, particularly if you have never been through the process before. The right DWI attorney is deeply familiar with the local legal system and has the experience to help you understand your options. They will apply their considerable knowledge to your case, analyzing the evidence, asking relevant questions, and identifying any procedural errors that might have occurred during your arrest. Retaining the services of a knowledgeable DWI attorney can significantly impact your case’s outcome.

Protect Your Rights

While facing a DWI charge can be incredibly stressful, it’s important to remember that you still have rights. However, those rights may be compromised without the proper legal representation. A DWI attorney will work to make sure that your rights are protected from your initial arrest to the court proceedings. They will advocate on your behalf to ensure that law enforcement and prosecutors adhere to proper procedure, treat you fairly, and respect your constitutional rights at all times. 

Building a Strong Defense Strategy

One of your DWI attorney’s most important jobs is to build a strong defense strategy that is tailored to your specific circumstances. They will review the evidence, interview witnesses, consult with experts, and gather any information that helps support your case. They will use their findings to develop a strategy that aims to minimize the charges against you - or even dismiss them entirely, depending on your situation. There are many potential strategies that your attorney could use to pursue these goals, but you can rest assured that they will explore every avenue to build a robust defense on your behalf.

Mitigating Legal Consequences

A DWI conviction can have severe consequences that affect your life forever, including hefty fines, license suspension, mandatory education programs, probation, and even jail time. These punishments can affect your employment, child custody, and personal relationships, among other things. A DWI attorney understands the potential ramifications of a DWI conviction and will work diligently to mitigate them whenever possible. They can negotiate for reduced charges or alternative sentencing options, potentially minimizing the impact on your personal and professional life. 

Contact a DWI Attorney Today

When facing a DWI charge, hiring an experienced attorney is vital if you want to do everything you can to protect your rights and future. An attorney’s experience, legal knowledge, negotiation skills, and ability to build a strategy on your behalf can make a significant difference in your case’s outcome. When you have a knowledgeable professional at your side, you can approach the process with confidence and peace of mind. Don’t face a DWI charge alone; consult with a DWI attorney as soon as possible to increase your chances of a successful outcome.


If you have been charged with Driving While Intoxicated in the San Angelo or Midland, TX area, Gray and Brigman PLLC can help. Our DWI attorneys have the legal knowledge and experience to defend your case. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation!

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Divorce is often a painful, difficult period in one’s life. Not only do assets and properties have to be split, but there is often the matter of children to place, too. From the moment that you separate from your partner, it is a good idea to start looking for a divorce attorney that can assist you in all matters, including child custody. There are different types of child custody that Gray and Brigman PLLC can help you fight for. Temporary Custody During a separation (before a divorce has been finalized), you may decide that you want to file for temporary custody of your children. If a temporary custody order is granted, your children will be placed in your care based upon the terms of the order. These may include visitation rights from the other parent. However, as the name implies, this order is not permanent, and the stipulations in the order may change once the divorce proceedings have been completed and a new custody agreement is formed. Joint Custody In a joint custody order, both parents are awarded custody over the child. So, both parents are responsible for the child, and they must work together in making major decisions and caring for the child. The terms for joint custody are all determined during divorce proceedings. Sole Custody A sole custody order gives custody to one parent. While many sole custody agreements still result in the other spouse being involved in their child’s life, major decisions and care are provided by the parent with custody, and that parent does not need to work with the other parent to make decisions on the child’s behalf. Visitation If you have not been granted custody for your child, you can continue your fight to earn the level of visitation that you deem appropriate. Visitation can range drastically, as every situation is different. These cases can also be aggressive, so strong representation like that from Gray and Brigman PLLC is necessary. Overall, Gray and Brigman PLLC wants what is best for the children and their wellbeing. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a consultation.
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